Designing the Future: SIDS Marks 30 Years with Exciting Anniversary Campaign

Published on June 26, 2024 | by DSGN arcHive
a group of people sitting and addressing a crowd
Photo credit: Society of Interior Designers Singapore (SIDS)
“Celebrating 30 years, the Society of Interior Designers Singapore (SIDS) kicks off a fun campaign to honour members and boost interior design standards locally and internationally.”

Celebrating 30 years since its founding in 1994, the Society of Interior Designers Singapore (SIDS) is rolling out a lively campaign to celebrate interior design and its members, while also engaging non-members and design schools. As the top professional body for interior design in Singapore, SIDS has worked tirelessly to elevate the industry’s standards and recognition both locally and internationally, offering continuous learning and development for its members.

From just 108 members in 2018, SIDS has grown to 1,514 by the end of 2023, thanks in part to the launch of the Singapore Interior Design Accreditation Scheme (SIDAS) in 2021. Over the years, SIDS has forged strong ties with industry stakeholders, government bodies, and educational institutions.

To commemorate its 30th anniversary, SIDS has planned an exciting array of activities throughout the year to celebrate its achievements and the bright future of interior design in Singapore.

30 Years Anniversary Campaign

1. Singapore Interior Design Awards (SIDA) 2024

man speaking to a crowd
Photo credit: Society of Interior Designers Singapore (SIDS)

The Singapore Interior Design Awards (SIDA) 2024 is back for its 8th edition, celebrating top-notch projects and designers worldwide. The jury for the Completed Projects category features big names like Ar. Angelene Chan from DP Architects, Tulsi Grover from Hassell, Gilbert Khalil from Sunset Hospitality Group, Angela Lim from SuMisura, Jay Osgerby from Barber Osgerby, Aurélie Schwend from Marriott International, and Ar. Melvin H J Tan from LAUD Architects.

Submission details: The competition is open for submissions until 2 August 2024, with winners announced in November.

For more on entry requirements, submission fees, and the full list of jurors, visit

2. Singapore’s 30 Influential Spatial / Interior Designers Award

SIDS is launching Singapore’s 30 Influential Spatial/Interior Designers Award to honour local trailblazers who’ve left a significant mark on Singapore’s design scene and beyond. This new award recognises the outstanding contributions of 30 professionals in spatial and interior design. The jury panel includes respected figures like Dawn Lim from Design Singapore Council, Chia Ngiang Hong from City Developments Limited, Ar. Melvin H J Tan from LAUD Architects, and Dr Faris Hajamaideen from Singapore Polytechnic.

Submission details: Submissions are open until 31 December 2024, with judging taking place from January to February 2025 and winners announced in March 2025 (date to be confirmed and details on the website).

For entry details and more, check out

3. Inaugural SIDA Youth Excellence Award

auditorium with many people
Photo credit: Society of Interior Designers Singapore (SIDS)

Exciting news from SIDS! They’ve launched the SIDA Youth Excellence Award, a new bursary programme for students studying spatial design at local universities recognized by the Ministry of Education. Three lucky students will each receive SGD 3,000 in this inaugural round, aimed at supporting future interior design talents as they prepare to enter the workforce. Building on their commitment to nurturing young designers, SIDS originally introduced the SIDA Youth Awards in 2020 to empower creative minds and provide mentorship and networking opportunities.

Submission details: The submission period for the bursary is open until 2 August 2024, with judging scheduled from 8 August to 16 September and winners announced in October (dates to be confirmed on their website).

For details on how to apply and more, head to

4. Singapore Interior Design Festival (SIDFest) 2024

SIDS is throwing their annual bash, SIDFest, a mega festival that’s all about celebrating creativity, culture, and collaboration in the design world. Over two weeks, they’re hosting loads of cool stuff like workshops, exhibitions, and design installations. It’s not just about showing off fancy designs—it’s about bringing together designers, pros, students, and design fans to chat about trends and soak in Singapore’s vibrant design scene. This year, they’re even planning a trade trip to Jakarta with the Indonesian Society of Interior Designers and the Malaysian Institute of Interior Designers.

SIDFest 2024 kicks off on 23 September and runs till 4 October 2024. Keep an eye on the SIDS website for more details soon!

Singapore Interior Designers Accreditation Scheme (SIDAS)

group of speakers in an auditorium
Photo credit: Society of Interior Designers Singapore (SIDS)

SIDAS, launched in November 2021 with support from the Ministry of Trade and Industry, is a big deal for Singapore’s interior design scene. It’s the country’s first national accreditation scheme, run by the Singapore Interior Design Accreditation Committee (SIDAC) under SIDS. This setup ensures that accredited designers meet high standards, benefiting both professionals and clients by ensuring quality and cutting out sketchy practices. It’s all about giving clients peace of mind and boosting professionalism in the industry. Accredited designers get recognized across three tiers based on their education and experience, and SIDAS also keeps them on their toes with Continuing Professional Development programmes covering the latest trends and tech.

Get the full scoop at

To sum up, SIDS has come a long way in 30 years, boosting the interior design scene in Singapore and beyond. They’ve pushed professionalism, launched cool initiatives like SIDAS and the SIDA Youth Excellence Award, and kept raising the bar. Looking ahead, they’re all about innovation and making spaces that really work for people. Exciting times ahead for sure!

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