To achieve integration, the different activities that are to be included in the proposal are production, designing, teaching, administration, exhibition and residential amenities. Hence, the main user groups of the place will be the weavers, government, design students, trainers and local workers.
ACADEMIC PROGRAM – IIHT students, Design interns, Faculty.
PRODUCTION PROGRAM – Weavers, Designers, other employees, local workers.
ADMINISTRATION AND MARKETING – Directors of handloom, Govt. Marketing groups, Public exhibition viewers.
The space will not only for the weavers that are associated with the center, but also to the weavers from around who can use the space to purchase towels, bedsheets, sarees etc, sell their products to the govt. And use the designer collaboration opportunities.
The space will also welcome local workers, women to work under the skill development program of india as well as they can learn traditional and modern skills, can sell their products and earn.
Annual or bi-annual exhibitions can be held at the center for the public to come and experience the traditional as well as new designed products and developments in the industry. This will also provide opportunities for upcoming designers to showcase their products.